Tree structure

Suppose you have created a new document of the Private Memoirs type. You will get a program window with a sample folder and subfolders. If you do not wish to keep this sample your first job is to remove this by doing one of the following:

1 Place your cursor on the folder Chronology of My LIFE. Right-click and select Remove Folder.
2 From the vertical icon bar on the left of the program window click on the Remove Folder icon
3 From the Folder menu on top of the program window select Remove Folder command and click.

The program will seek your confirmation and then delete the folder and its subfolders. After this you need to go about creating your folder structure.

Step 1

Your first step is to choose your folder structure by doing one of the following:

    1 From the vertical icon bar on the left of the program window click      on New Folder.
    2 From the Folders menu on top of the program window select      the New... command.

From the box that appears choose the Tree Folder option. Click OK.
You will now get a program window with a folder called New Tree Folder

Step 2

Give this folder a name of your choice. Let us assume that you call this folder Personal Matters. Immediately below this is a folder called Root. Your next step is to rename it. Suppose you want to rename it Domestic and Family. To rename it you can do one of the following.

1 Place your cursor on the icon showing Root and right-click. Select the Rename Folder option.
2 From the vertical icon bar on the left of the program window click on the Rename Folder icon
3 From the Folders menu on top of the program window select the Rename Folder command

The rename option is enabled and you can now type in the name you wish to give this folder.

Step 3

Once you have renamed your Root folder Domestic and Family your next step is to create the appropriate subfolders. Let's assume that you wish to record matters pertaining to your immediate family and your extended family separately. You will have to create two new leaves on your folder tree to represent Immediate Family and Extended Family. To create these you can do one of the following
    1 Place your cursor on the little box showing + or รป to the left of the     icon showing Domestic and Family and right-click

2 Highlight the folder Domestic and Family and from the vertical      icon bar to the left of the program window click on Create      next tree's leaf icon.
    3 From Folders menu on the top of the program window click      on the New leaf of tree command.

A new folder is created to which you must assign the appropriate name. Type in the name Immediate Family. Repeat the process and type in the name Extended Family. Let us assume that the folder Immediate Family is to have the subfolders Daughter, Son, Wife and Self. Assume also that the folder Extended Family is to have the subfolders Mother, Father, Aunt, Uncle, Sister and Brother. You will therefore have to create subfolders for both the main folders Immediate Family and Extended Family. To create these you can do one of the following.

1 Place the cursor on the folder Immediate Family and click the      right mouse button. Select New Sub-Leaf.
    2 From the vertical icon bar on the left of the program window      click on Create new tree's sub-leaf
    3 From the Folders menu on top of the program window select      New sub-leaf of tree command.

A new sub-folder is created and ready to be named. Name this folder Daughter. Repeat the process for all the other subfolders you wish to attach to the folder Immediate Family. Likewise, select the folder Extended Family and repeat the process to create its subfolders. The white area on the right of the folder area is where you type in the details relevant to each subfolder. By the time you have finished performing these operations your Tree window will look something like this.

tree_document.GIF (13265 bytes)